About D.B.R.

<center>Mike D.</center>

Mike D.


Who are we?

Domestic Blends Refurbishing was founded by Mike in early 2017 to support his repair shop.

Mike has been repairing smartphones since the 3G days and created his business out of his backpack. Eight years later he has the highest rated shop in Denver.

Brian became a partner in Domestic Blends in March of 2018 after apprenticing under Mike for about six months.

He had previously been one of the top repair technicians for one of the nation’s largest on demand smartphone repair companies.

Why did we start D.B.R.?

Domestic Blends was founded out of necessity.

With years of experience we’ve used all types of suppliers and have seen all levels of “quality” in the market for replacement screens.

We decided to take control so we can provide our own customer the highest quality product we possibly can.

What are our business goals?

Our goal is to provide smartphone screen refurbishing as a service to other repair shops.

We will be refurbishing OEM LCDs only with the highest quality materials available.

How can we help your business?

Reach out to us if you have any questions. Email is best. You’re welcome to give us a call as well at 720-619-0043

<center>Brian B.</center>

Brian B.
